Cenex-LCV the UK’s premier low carbon vehicle event incorporating an extensive technology exhibition and seminar programme, facilitated networking, and ride & drive of the latest research & development and commercially available vehicles, incorporating four keys features:

  • Technology exhibition split over three halls
  • Extensive seminar programme
  • Facilitated networking with the low carbon community
  • Ride & drive of the latest research & development and commercially available vehicles

 It is the place to meet UK decision makers and industry experts; the perfect opportunity to showcase your business, your industry and your technology.

LCV2017 set a new record with over 3,800 attendees, 221 exhibitors and 96 press. LCV2018 will take place at Millbrook on the 12th and 13th September 2018 and is set to be the biggest and best LCV to date.

More information available here: https://www.cenex-lcv.co.uk/